Train and Driving Directions to Casa La Pace

Casa La Pace is easy to reach whether you are traveling by car or train. Below are train and driving directions to Ghivizzano and Casa La Pace. We have tried to include local landmarks. If you use Google Maps or other Internet directions, keep in mind that Italian road signs can be confusing or non-existent.

  • Trains are surprisingly affordable in Italy, especially the ‘regional’ trains. A train ticket to Ghivizzano costs about 4 euros from Lucca,  7 euros from Pisa and 12 euros from Firenze.
  • Trains are listed on the departure board by their ending station. Trains to Ghivizzano will end at ‘Piazza al Serchio’, ‘Aulla Lunigiana’, or ‘Minucciano Pieve’.
  • Keep in mind that departure times are on the 24-hour clock, i.e. 2 p.m. is 14:00.
Train Directions from Pisa, Lucca, Florence, and Viareggio

Pisa, Firenze, and Lucca are the major hubs that connect to Ghivizzano. Coming from Roma, Venezia, or Milano, you will change trains in one of these three stations. When you purchase your ticket, be sure to note which of these you will be passing through and follow the directions below.


Lucca is the closest major station to Ghivizzano. Lucca to Ghivizzano is about 25 minutes. The screen listing ‘partenze’ (departures) will display trains to Aulla Luningnana, Piazza al Serchio, or Minucciano. There are 5 stations between Lucca and Ghivizzano; the penultimate is Bagni di Lucca.

Firenze SMN (principal train station of Florence)

From Firenze to Ghivizzano usually takes about 2.5 hours and you must change trains in either Lucca or Pisa. We recommend passing through Lucca, as both travel time and distance are usually shorter (The journey from Firenze to Lucca is about 1.5 hours.) In the Firenze SMN station,  the screen listing ‘partenze’ (departures) will display trains to Lucca with the ending destination of Lucca or Viareggio.


If you’re departing from northwestern Italy, for example Milano or Genova, your journey may include a transfer in Viareggio. This coastal town is on the Genova-Roma line. In Viareggio you will transfer to the Firenze-Viareggio line; Lucca is the first train station on that line.

Pisa Centrale

From Pisa Centrale to Ghivizzano usually takes about an hour and a half. Lucca is an intermediate station on the Pisa-Aulla line; from Pisa Centrale to Lucca takes about 25 minutes. Some trains terminate at Lucca; others continue to Ghivizzano after a brief stop in Lucca. Ask the conductor or another passenger if you are unsure. Between Pisa and Lucca are 4 or 5 stops (At the first station after departing, Pisa S Rossore, look right and you will see the Leaning Tower of Pisa!).

Pisa Airport

Pisa Airport to Ghivizzano is now easier than ever! In 2017, the PisaMover was inaugurated. This automated shuttle connects Pisa Airport and Pisa Centrale. Shuttles depart from the airport every 10 minutes and the journey is about 10 minutes from airport to train station. A one-way ticket costs about 5 euros. For more information, check the website:

Driving Directions from Lucca

In general, look for blue arrows with ‘Abetone’ and ‘Castelnuovo’ and brown arrows with ‘Garfagnana’

If you are coming from another city, the easiest way to Lucca is via the autostrada (toll highway). The autostradas connect all of the major cities of Italy. Autostrada A11 connects Florence to Pisa; Lucca is on this autostrada. Take the exit “Lucca Est”.  

After exiting the toll booth, follow the signs towards Lucca. After crossing over the railroad bridge, you will arrive at a roundabout and, in front of you, the walls of Lucca. Go through the roundabout and out the opposite side (bypassing the road leading to the right). The walls of the city will now be on your right.

Follow this road along the walls to the other side of Lucca, following the signs for ‘Abetone’ or ‘Castelnuovo’.  You will go through one large roundabout and arrive at a second smaller one. At this one, exit to the left, bypassing the road that continues along the walls.

You are now passing down a tree-lined avenue with magnificent Liberty mansions on either side. At the end of the avenue, follow the road as it turns sharply right. You will be on this section of the road for several kilometers. On your left will be a high earthen berm.  Continue on this road and through the tiny roundabout, ignoring the road that leads to the warehouses. On your left will be a high

At the end of this section of road, you will come to a very large roundabout. (Do not take the early right-hand turn.)  You will exit the roundabout on the third road, bypassing first two roads leading out (the second being immediately next to Esselunga).

You are now on a wide, well-maintained highway that will carry you most of the way to Ghivizzano.  Initially the river will be on your right. You will pass through a series of tunnels. Now the river will be on your left.

The road curves gently to the left and then to the right, you will be presented with a choice of 2 roads, which can be very confusing.  Remain on the right, taking SS2. This will take you over the suspension bridge. (If you end up instead going underneath the suspension bridge, that’s ok. You will be on the right-hand side of the river and can follow this road to Borgo a Mozzano and the cross back over to the left-hand side of the river).

For a little bit, the mountain will be pressing up against the left-hand side of the road. The road turns sharply right and then arrives at a roundabout. Pass through it and continue through Decimo to Borgo a Mozzano.

In Borgo a Mozzano, pass through the roundabout and exit the other side. (If you made the wrong choice at the suspension bridge you will cross the bridge and be at the roundabout – take the right-hand road leading out. ) You will first climb steeply and then quickly drop down and see the Ponte del Diavolo on your right.  

Follow this highway for another 3 or 4 kilometers, passing through Piano della Rocca. The mountain will again be pressing up against the left-hand side of the road. As the road curves to the left, prepare to slow down and turn off this highway at the next right – where there are many blue arrows point to the right. One of these will say ‘Ghivizzano’.

Almost there!

Cross the small bridge and turn left. This is the smaller road  on the right side of the valley that passes through many of the villages. After about 100 meters, the road turns sharply right, crosses the railroad tracks, and then turns sharply left. You are now passing through Calavorno.  After a small section of pasture, you will arrive at the ‘city limits’ of Ghivizzano. Continue down the road, lined on either side with modern houses, the occasional shop, and a few Liberty mansions.

When you will see ‘Bar Sport’ on your left, turn right immediately after, on the road indicated by the ‘Casa La Pace Bed and Breakfast’ sign..  Be sure to stay on the left-hand road, not the right one that rises sharply. Follow this road which rises gently, with modern houses on both sides and then the old town on your right. At the end of this the road it will turn sharply right and lead to the old town. Instead, turn LEFT (look for the left-pointing’ Casa La Pace’ sign) and cross the small bridge. Climb to the top of the hill, where you will see a road to the left and the cemetery in front of you. Continue on the main road (the cemetery wall is now on your left until you reach signs indicating ‘Camparlese’ and ‘Casa La Pace’.) Turn left as the arrow indicates and follow this tiny road to the first intersection.  Turn left and follow the road to the end – it will turn sharply left just before ending at Casa La Pace.

A little further along, as the road turns sharply left, is a spot where you can park the car temporarily in order to unload the luggage.